Monday, June 23, 2008

OMG an update!!

Heya, so not many updates for the month of June,(or the second half of may for that matter) that is mostly because there hasn't been much going on in SL.
Switched lieges in Tiny Empires to help a friend attempt to climb her way up the ladder to queen of her own kingdom. Found out some of the rules about how you get subjects. Determined i need subjects but that i can't recruit anyone unless they're a baroness or above all ready.
Bought this neat little Mind Control Key from Hypnodolls, so far i haven't been able to figure out how it works. It would have been nicer to find out exactly what it did before i bought it. I like the hypnodols stuff, ((the only piece of furniture i own, which is set up on New Desperation Isle, is their hypnotron (the original version) even though I haven't gone and sat in one for ages.))
Anyway, no full review because i can't figure out how to get it to work, which kind of sucks, i was thinking it was more like a wind up key.
Oh well lessons learned.
I'd still like to find myself a good wind up key for my doll look. The one i bought was buggy as all get-out and i never got it to work right. No support from the maker too, which blows big time...i all ready did a post about them a while back if you're curious about looking up who it was.
Ok, so i will try my best to not make it so long between blog posts, but i can't make any promises. I write what i feel and i don't always feel like writing. So to my intrepid readers you'll just have to wait until that literary bug bites me again.