Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Life in SL

I suppose you could call this an "Adult" blog:
Ok, where do I start? SL isn't my first "chat program" for a bunch of years I floated around AIM, then more recently Yahoo chatrooms. I had a furry ID take a guess what her name was. She was/is a bunny, and one of the reasons I wear bunny ears in SL today. A friend of mine at the time was in SL and helped to convince me to come to it too. At the time I was really interested in ponygirls(still am, though I haven't worn ponygear in months.) and while He wasn't that into it, He helped me find a trainer and stable to train at (The Frilly Filly Farm, which is still active today even though I no long house a stable there myself it's full of a ton of nice people, my leaving was for other reasons.) He even funded my first set of ponygear(much of which i still use today.)

Here I'm going to stop for a second and point out how horrible my grammar is, I keep switching case a lot and forget to capitalize a lot of personal nouns, most of the time I try to catch these but the more i write the faster i write and the more that slip through so please bear with me.)

So after I first came to Sl i spent a lot of time as a ponygirl, though that didn't last very long. I have a very short attention span, and tend to change my mind a lot. As I explored Sl more i found more and more roles that I wanted to fill.

One of the first groups i joined was the Latex Dolls, in fact a lot of my friends I have today were ones I first made as a member of the dolls. Over time though the group slowly changed from a group of like minded individuals who enjoyed encasement and bondage and going out in our latex and bondage to show off...into a quasi religious organization. For a while I stayed a member of the dolls just not in the latex, though eventually i felt the atmosphere around the space station that the dolls used for a headquarters wasn't as friendly as it had used to be, especially to dolls who didn't follow the newest set of rules. So I left the doll group, no hard feelings I just didn't feel a part of the group anymore.

I kind of floated around on my own for a long time in SL, i had mixed feelings about it. Sometimes I wouldn't care, othertimes I'd see friends with thier loved ones or Owners and get jealous. That mostly ended though once I found my home with Wildefire, She's been a great friend to me, she knows when I'm in a bad mood and helps me work through it. She's offten offered advice with whatever was bothering me, and she's imaginative..imagination is like my biggest attraction to someone.
I had alot of happy times as a member of Wilde's family, though recently she's retired from being a domme. I'm still a part of the extended family though not really an owned slave of her household anymore.
So again I'm on my own, though I'm alot more at peace with it this time, i'm not alone, just on my own.
Well that is enough out of me for now, next time I'll talk about my very brief stint as a superheroine in SL, maybe i can even find a SS of me in the costume I put together(criminals everywhere learned to laugh at..i mean fear the name of "Electra Girl"), then my longer time as a criminal and attraction to prison RP in SL
(\ /)
( . _.)

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