Monday, April 28, 2008


((This post is all IC, some of the events have happened in SL, others have not and have been added for dramatic licence.)
Fuck Fuck Fuck! It happened again. I've heard that jails are made up of almost exclusively repeat criminals and if you've been there once then the chances of you going back more then double.
It was the same thing that happened last time too, when they sent me back to Tess. Parole violations, and this isn't like that week i spent in Ghrul's federal either, there's no dismissing the charges here those asshole cops got me dead to rights.
I wasn't even doing anything! I was with a friend of mine, we'd been hanging out all night and she asked me to come with her while she picked up some 'Stuff'. She knew the type of life i've had and wanted someone who knew what was going on. I know i shouldn't have gone but she would have gone anyway even if i didn't. The cops spotted us coming up even before we made it to the house, to young blonde's in a car that didn't belong to the neighborhood any more then they did themselves.
We got stopped, took the officer all of about two minutes to find the guns trapped to my thigh and under my skirt. I didn't bother trying to resist, i've seen enough tv to know that that train of thought only ends bad for the runner. Handcuffs followed, car ride, processing, and because it was Friday i was sure to spend the weekend in jail.
I spent all of Saturday in dread, this was my third offense it was going to be a long long stay for sure, no plea bargain this time...or so i thought. Late on Saturday night i got transferred to a private cell. I was lead down there in full shackles and shoved inside much the same way. The surprising part though was someone was waiting for me in the cell. She said i could call her Mz. Bluezy but didn't tell me much else about herself. We spoke for a little bit, she asked me if i was afraid of going to jail. I answered truthfully and told her yes, spilling my whole story. I knew it was wrong for me to carry a gun since i was a felon but it just wasn't that easy. I don't live in the edge of society where a person can rely on the government for protection, a person has to protect themselves!....atleast that's what i've always told myself...maybe it was just delusional.
To her credit she listened to my story, never once stopping me until I finished. Once I was done she began to speak. She told me she worked a place where the files of all new prisoners crossed her desk. She was looking for certain types and when found she took opportunities to speak to these inmates. She told me she worked for a place called Kelley Ind. some scientific research company. They were looking for non-violent criminals (i didn't dissuade her from this belief, at least none of my crimes were violent.), people who faced real time. She offered me a chance, i wouldn't have to go to jail, all I had to do was join their research program. She didn't tell me much about it, but i didn't care. Anything was better then jail. I had heard a little about the BANE's before, just stuff on TV though I didn't live in a district where they were kept. She said everything would be taken care off, all I had to do was come Monday when i got before the judge plead guilty. They'd offer me a chance for the program and i was to take it, in exchange what would have been the remainder of most of my adult life in jail, to 72 weeks in one those fancy suits they made the prisoners wear.
She left me in the cell to consider my choices, i spent all day Sunday in solitary, it was OK though better there then in some cell, that worked out so well last time. When Monday came it took me all of two seconds to say "Guilty"
Because of the nature of my crimes, I was given time to turn myself into the program. The guards fitted me with an ankle bracelet and i was out by the time lunch rolled around.
That was three days ago.
I've managed to get all my affairs in order. Someone will watch my house while i'm gone. from what i understand i won't be back here for over a year. I won't be able to leave the limits of the district. It doesn't matter though, I can't go back to jail. It can't be to bad after all, at least I'll get to be outside, it'll be just like survival training again!
I took a trip into the city yesterday, i buried a stash of cash for myself along with a pack of rations, my little tool kit and map kit full of paper, stamps and a pen so i can still keep in contact. Hopefully they're still there when i go to get them, i buried them pretty deep and covered it with a rock so someone would have to really go looking for it to find it.
I'm going to turn myself over to the labs tomorrow, wish me luck i guess. Hope the whole thing doesn't hurt.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More prison stuff!/I forgot to update!

Ugh, so my goal for updates for April has fallen way short of it's goal, sorry but RL (that's real life, not restrained life) has been crazy lately.

So after my first night at Ghrul's the RP has all but died. So far I've been let out of my cell a few times but it's always disappointing. My first night out i got attacked by two friends of the girl who i "killed" (which I'm not sure if I made that clear from an OOC standpoint in the last post, i didn't kill this girl she decided I killed her and despite my saying that wasn't my plan OOC, I was forced to go with it as she just made a huge post about dieing, then suddenly a cop showed up, whom I later found out from another prisoner was that girls husband on his account. Can someone say setup?)
The first girl who attacked me was apparently German and while she spoke passable English apparently couldn't read it because she ignored every action I did and kept beating up on me for like 2 minutes until I said something OOC'ly about it then she just stopped, and a guard took me back to my cell.
Since then I've been called new meat by every girl in that place who thinks that they're the top dog. Instead of the guards telling me what i'm going to do, since i'm a prisoner and all and therefore shouldn't get the right to decided my schedule for myself, i'm constantly asked if I want out of my cell or whatnot...which is fine from an OOC standpoint and I'd even applaud it, but none of them do it from an OOC standpoint they just walk up and go "You want out Bao?" and if i don't answer yes they just walk off.
Either way my sentence ends tomorrow.
I had a lot of fun at first but it died out after the first night and I found myself just waiting to get out, which i guess is alot like real prison. The problem is every girl that gets herself arrested there is apparently there with the intent of being the "top dog" in the prison. I think most of them are alts too, i know my "room mate" was an alt because when she started to gloat about how much of a "noobie" I was for leaving my keys on my cuffs, and I warned her that next fight she wouldn't be able to just end it by grabbing my keys when i'm beating her up, she told me all about how her other character was a domme and this and that...anyway.
I think alot of the prisoners there are just alts, I saw one cell with a 45 day sentence on it, which to me just screams! alt. Unless you're cheating all the time who is going to take themselves out of a game for over a month and a half (I'm sure it was longer to start) unless they had another character to do things on. Plus after my experience with the husband and wife inmate and cop team I've become suspicious of the other staff as well.

I went to Ghurls because I saw it listed on a prisoner lounge board, and the "RP experience" there was listed as good...personally I'd give it a "fair" rating instead. then again though i've very picky and want as close to a real experience as possible in my rp's...the joy is in the details for me...
most people are content with /me puts on her corset.
i find it al ot more fun to be. /me slips into her corset, pulling the stiff material up to her breasts before reaching behind herself to begin cinching the laces.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Arrest at Ghrul's

((The following post is IC))
I fucking got busted again! Stupid parole violations. I got nabbed during a sale and arrested for trafficking in stolen goods. At least the didn't catch me at a sale i brought my guns to, i would have got nabbed for unlawful possession too.
I caught a break this time. I got sent to a medium security facility Ghruls Federal. Processing was pretty standard. I got stripped searched issued an uniform (ugly thing.) then a cell. I'm still awaiting full trial.
My first night in prison didn't go so well, after coming back from the yard i got introduced to my cell mate. It didn't go well. The bitch made some offhanded comment to me about my ass. I responded in kind, pointing my finger at her before she drew a shank on me. My combat training kicked in quickly (unlike the American army, the BLT which is at best a gorilla group of ex militants and other mercenaries, allows females in combat situation and even trains its female recruits alongside the males.) and i responded with equal force, knocking her knife hand away as i began a counter attack. I would have retained the upper hand in the situation had she not used the cuffs the police used on me to her advantage (she totally just grabbed the keys to my cuffs and gag, no IC post just snagged them then proceeded to start gloating about how much of a newb i was. Meanwhile i would have destroyed this girl in a fight but instead she cheated and stole my keys. I tried to warn her in IM that i would take revenge, to which she said that i'm an armature and tried to gloat some more. )) Even cuffed i put up a fight though and would have smashed her face in with my shoulder had she not ignored my fight and then "Kicked me around the cell like a soccer ball" She even put the knife to my neck!
It hadn't been the first time i've stared death in the face though, I've been on my own since i was old enough to read. I've lived enslaved to a house where death was a constant threat for the slaves, forced to help my owner as she slaughtered and experimented on the bodies of ones i had called sister. It wasn't the first time i've been faced with my own death and i wasn't afraid as i faced it this time as well. Though in the end common sense won over my pride, I relented to her demands to say i loved her. Shortly after she returned the keys to my cuffs. that was the last mistake she ever made...well that and giving me her shank.
the crazy bitch actually begged me to kill her, claiming she had many warrants on her head all ready. I hadn't planned on giving her the satisfaction. Taking careful aim to slice only her eye as i took the knife to her face, intending to maim her permanently for attacking me. My next strikes going to her hands with my knees. My intent to crush her fingers to prevent any further knifing attempts by the girl.
Somehow despite my not cutting any vital parts, and purposely doing much less damage then she did to me she somehow managed to die from these wounds.
Not that' i'm to remorseful over it, it was her or me after all and she did attack me first. I still have the mark on my neck from where she put the knife to it.
Needless to say it didn't take long for the guards to come over the commotion. currently i'm sitting in ISO while the police investigate. (on a side note the police officer that came to get me was pretty thorough in his RP of me getting arrested again)
So i might be in here for a while. (10 days original sentence)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Doll Key problems

Oh So this has been going on with me for a bit but I keep forgeting to mention it.
Oh and before I forget Marine has put together a full update for the RLV which is MUCH more stable and just the .exe file, not requiring the other folders anymore.
I needless to say, am overjoyed.
So A while back I tried to put together a "Doll" look for myself. One of the items i went out to purchase was a wind-up key for my back. A friend of mine (Tess Whitcroft of LSoK and Tesscatraz fame) told me about this neat key that worked as a plug-in for amethyst and dari-haus collars.
So I went looking and went to go purchase myself a key. It is supposed to work like this...You add the scripts to your collar, wear the key, reset both and then the key works like an AO requiring that you be "wound-up" to keep moving and if the key winds down the avatar wearing it is move locked until someone comes to wind them up again (just touch the key)
I never once got the item to work. When i first wore it, the scripts inside worked because they sent me an automatic update of the newest version of the key. Though the updated key and instructions for how to update my collar never once worked.
I sent a detailed notecard to the keys creator a few days after my purchase asking for help (i'm not sure what version of the collar i'm using but i'm pretty sure it's the most up to date one. On a side note I am not pleased with how Ame is handling updates now, the last time i tried to update my collar I had to contact her and send in my old ones to get new versions. )
I gave her as much detailed information as i could the collar I was using, and what i had tried to do to get it to work.
It's been over a month now and i've not heard anything back from the creator yet on my request.
It was only 300$L so no HUGE loss, but I am disapointed that I couldn't get it to work. So she's managed to earn my first review of 1 out of 5 bunneh's. For the sole fact that the item dosen't seem to work as intended and zero feedback from the creator/scriptor of the item. I may try to conctact her again since it's been some time.
I don't have the name of the creator handy but the key itself came from B&P Design I'm sure you can find them in search in SL if you're curious.
Oh wait i had a new format i had forgoten about

Item: Doll Key add-on for Amethyst collars.
Likes: The concept
Dislikes: Didn't work well, no creator support
Score: 1 out of 5 Bunneh's
Overall: Don't purchase.

SL Still brokered

So My goal for updates is well behind it's mark for this month.
Oh well, I haven't been playing as much SL because since the last update i'm SOOOOOOOO laggy that it hurts. Plus I can't get the RLV to work without crashing every two minutes. Hopefully the next update fixes that, it's just not as much fun locking my restraints for a bit if i know i can just take them off at any time.
I saw cait yesterday! She was only online for a few minutes, stealing wi-fi access from the ihop she said. That was a nice little surprise yesterday afternoon.
I know i keep promising RP stories but I'm not quite in the writing mood to put alot of that stuff down on paper (or down in electronic format as it were.)
So still next time i'll post a small recount of my RP self in SL...Cross my heart or hope to get gagged.
(\ /)
( . _.)

Friday, April 4, 2008


So today when I tried to log on, I got a message saying that I had to download the newest version of the client to log onto SL. Which is odd because I logged on once in the morning, then when I tried again in the afternoon it got the "Required update" message.
So that's poopy.
Hope I can get the RL viewer re-installed properly without using the windlite viewer.
More later!
(\ /)
( . _.)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The only Bao

So I'm coming to the conclusion that I was maybe the only person in SL to pick the last name of Bao when it was available. This conclusion is based on the fact that I've only ever seen one or two other people with the same last name as myself. I've seen tons of Boa's, and even a few Yao's, but very very very few (almost none) other Bao's.
Ok so a real post.
I've had a lack of reviews lately because I haven't been shopping in SL in a while. If could use some new shirts for a few outfits so maybe that will change. Even so I've managed to come up with a little format i plan on using for future product reviews so that they are a little easier to find among my rambling.
In case you were wondering the format will go like this.
Item Description:
Things I liked:
Things I didn't Like:
Score and summary of why the item got that score:

I've got readers!
This is something that strikes me a little weird. I guess it's just that I don't think anyone would be interested in reading what I have to say, but I noticed my name is now listed on two separate peoples blogs as a "Blog i like to read." or "read regularly" or whatever. So thanks to those people who are interested enough to come check my ramblings regularly!

Ok so some Rp stuff:
SL is a little weird for me to RP in, in the past on other chat programs if I had an idea for a character I could just make a completely new profile to chat with that was modeled around the character concept. That doesn't work as well in SL because if you make tons of alts you have to buy things for those alts to make them look how you want to. Which if you've ever purchased items for yourself you'll know how hard this can be. A basic avatar look with a good skin/hair/clothes is at least 3000$L (sometimes you can achieve a look with just freebie stuff but most of the times the specific looks are ones that you have to buy parts for.)
So I've been having trouble coming up with new ideas that fit well with the story I already have for myself.
I realize there is no rule saying that all my different "aspects" have to fit with each other but if I'm going to be using my profile i'd like all the different aspects of that profile to lend to each other as much as possible.
Though this isn't always going to be possible, my "doll" look for instance can't fit in with the rest of "Bethany's" back story because it's a living doll, not a urchin bunneh girl turned to first a life of crime, then a quasi-military group, then back to a life of crime again.
So I'm having trouble getting everything to mesh together.
The other problem with SL is it's a fine line between RP place and just chat place.
while Bethany is me, "Bethany" is not...wrap your heads around that one.
I try to lend alot of my personality to the characters i make, because I think it helps to make them seem more real instead of just a made up set of values.
I've always used the IC(in character) and OOC (out of character) separation more as a way to talk about stuff that didn't pertain to the RP inside the RP instead of a way for "Me" to talk while my "character" is active. Otherwise I'm almost always talking while my "character" is acting.
I am my character and my character is me.
Confused? Good because I am to.
I'm not sure if there was really a point to this besides just filling up my blog to make my 20 post goal this month.
Next time i'll try to give a small bio for "Bethany the character" in SL.

Doubleing my posts!

OK, so my vow to post more frequently isn't working out.
So it's another month all ready.
The first month that I had this blog i did five posts, the second month it was 10. This month lets double it again and make it 20!
I don't think that's likely but I like having goals to try to strive for.
Real post later!