Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The only Bao

So I'm coming to the conclusion that I was maybe the only person in SL to pick the last name of Bao when it was available. This conclusion is based on the fact that I've only ever seen one or two other people with the same last name as myself. I've seen tons of Boa's, and even a few Yao's, but very very very few (almost none) other Bao's.
Ok so a real post.
I've had a lack of reviews lately because I haven't been shopping in SL in a while. If could use some new shirts for a few outfits so maybe that will change. Even so I've managed to come up with a little format i plan on using for future product reviews so that they are a little easier to find among my rambling.
In case you were wondering the format will go like this.
Item Description:
Things I liked:
Things I didn't Like:
Score and summary of why the item got that score:

I've got readers!
This is something that strikes me a little weird. I guess it's just that I don't think anyone would be interested in reading what I have to say, but I noticed my name is now listed on two separate peoples blogs as a "Blog i like to read." or "read regularly" or whatever. So thanks to those people who are interested enough to come check my ramblings regularly!

Ok so some Rp stuff:
SL is a little weird for me to RP in, in the past on other chat programs if I had an idea for a character I could just make a completely new profile to chat with that was modeled around the character concept. That doesn't work as well in SL because if you make tons of alts you have to buy things for those alts to make them look how you want to. Which if you've ever purchased items for yourself you'll know how hard this can be. A basic avatar look with a good skin/hair/clothes is at least 3000$L (sometimes you can achieve a look with just freebie stuff but most of the times the specific looks are ones that you have to buy parts for.)
So I've been having trouble coming up with new ideas that fit well with the story I already have for myself.
I realize there is no rule saying that all my different "aspects" have to fit with each other but if I'm going to be using my profile i'd like all the different aspects of that profile to lend to each other as much as possible.
Though this isn't always going to be possible, my "doll" look for instance can't fit in with the rest of "Bethany's" back story because it's a living doll, not a urchin bunneh girl turned to first a life of crime, then a quasi-military group, then back to a life of crime again.
So I'm having trouble getting everything to mesh together.
The other problem with SL is it's a fine line between RP place and just chat place.
while Bethany is me, "Bethany" is not...wrap your heads around that one.
I try to lend alot of my personality to the characters i make, because I think it helps to make them seem more real instead of just a made up set of values.
I've always used the IC(in character) and OOC (out of character) separation more as a way to talk about stuff that didn't pertain to the RP inside the RP instead of a way for "Me" to talk while my "character" is active. Otherwise I'm almost always talking while my "character" is acting.
I am my character and my character is me.
Confused? Good because I am to.
I'm not sure if there was really a point to this besides just filling up my blog to make my 20 post goal this month.
Next time i'll try to give a small bio for "Bethany the character" in SL.


Danii said...

Why else would you put your blog on the Internet, as for other people to read it? ;-)

Bethany Bao said...

The orginal reason i made the blog was to leave comments on someone elses blog. Then I started posting because I don't like to leave things blank that have my name on them.