Ok so in an effort to make it easier on myself to cover the topics i planned on putting up here, because lets face it i get sidetracked alot, in no perticular order are:
The stores I've been looking at for clothes lately.
How i got to test a BANE helmet not on the market, and the girl who is making it.
My criminal RP experience (what landed me in tesscatraz)
Some of my RP experiences with Wildefire (feel better soon if You're reading this)
My thoughts on being a ponygirl in SL and why i don't find it as fun to RP by myself.
My updated "I want that!" list.
Monday, March 24, 2008
More Product Reviews!
So I'm not one for reading my own blog, and the time between posts makes it hard for me to remember what I've already written about and what I haven't yet.
I went shopping Friday! (or was it Thursday) and managed to get a bunch of stuff, but not the two things i was originally looking for. So first I wanted a little dress for my "doll" look that I'm still working on, and flipping back and forth between if i want it to be a latex doll look (using the scorpion products BANE hood to achieve a blank mannequin head look) or if i want to try to re-color the hood and just take a flesh colored mannequin look.
So I went out shopping for some dresses that i could wear over black latex and still have them "pop" something bright i guess. Also I had heard that Dark Eden was giving(selling cheaply) bunny ears for Easter so i went there to see if i could find them. So around 900L later i came out of DarkEden with a set of tattoos, a full set of skirts, and a bright pink jacket (I'm not partial to hot pink myself and like more muted tons of pink, but the jacket was in a vendor that was part of a fundraising effort for the American cancer society so I splurged the few extra liden and got it in hot pink, i think of it as a 'biker' jacket, something you'd see someone in the fast and the furious wear) Anyway, besides those items (which i all give a good 4 out of 5 bunnies to, i enjoy dark edens work a lot for clothes)
i also bought the "Restrained Freedom" arm binder, which i learned about through a group announcement when i signed on Friday. The arm binder was 600$L, and I'm rather happy with my purchase. The binder seemed to be sized for small avatars, and required very little altering from me to make it fit (just moving the "belly strap" out of my belly a bit, which turned out to be several indivual parts but if you know how to edit, it should be no problem, 30 seconds of work) which is allways a big plus in my book. Also it's scripted to be RLV compatible (what isn't nowadays?) and it's not only colorable, but you can change the texture of both the arm binder itself and the straps (currenly mine is in "red Velvet" colored green to match the evening dress i often wear for my "high class bondage" look. I really should start taking more pictures of myself to post to help illustrate the looks i'm talking about.)
and for all it's features it was under 1000$L
I think this is a good 4 out of 5 bunneh review for the item. The only reason I'm being hesitant about giving a 5 out of 5 is because I haven't had a great chance to test the AO in the binder yet.
(Also a little thanks to Shard of Shards Sadistic Creations for giving me the idea for that test, while talking about the arm binder she makes and sells [which i plan to purchase soon] she mentioned how strong the AO in it was and that it could even override sinewave dances, so that is a test i plan to incorporate into my future reviews.)
So this blog has turned into mostly product reviews, and I had promised at one point to talk about my RP experiences too. So I promise the next post will be a little more recounting of those.
Also this weekend I met someone i wasn't expecting to see. There is this certain dominate girl/boy who i met a long time ago, who came up with a rather annoying nickname of "Bethy Boobs."
So when I was at the LSoK the other day and someone said /me throws a rock at bethy boobs.
my jaw hit the floor. Apparently for reasons i didn't ask they had switched avatars and now resided under a different name. We spent a little time catching up until the sim we were in crashed and when i logged back on he/she wasn't there anymore.
It's weird how relationships on the Internet fluctuate, some days you'll lose friends for no apparently reason (cait) and then other days they'll pop up out of no where under a new identity being "Hey how have you been?"
Also I found out that Marine Kelly is onto the "testing" stage for her BANE suit, quite by accident. I was reading the blog of someone who left a comment on a friends blog (is that like a friend of a friend of a friend who heard something that one time?) about how she just got out of her test banishment, then in turn went to check on marine's blog (which i hadn't read in several weeks). Oh well, no point in crying over spilt milk but it would have been a fun experience i think.
Guess i'll jsut have to wait like the rest of the public, oh woe is me.
/sarcasm off
Seriously though I truly enjoy marines products and can't wait to see her version of the BANE suit, so far i know of One currently on the market (Scorpion Products) I tested one for a person I met in SL (I'll break my own rule and check to see if I've written about this yet, if not i'll make up a small report of my quarter day as a BANE) who since I've provided a report on my experiences to her, i found out she isn't planning on selling it but just making it for her own, and she's also planing on sending me an updated version based on my suggestions and her own observations in the testing.
Then by accident i found out that the people behind Restrained Freedom are making one as well (i was contacted by a "Custodian" asking if i had seen their bane, and when i TP'ed out to see what was going on, i was met by an old friend Green Geary, who then explained the suit/charging station to me and where she had gotten the test suit from)
so with Marine's BANE suit on the market that should make at least 3 varieties.
Ok I've really got to get offline and get productive with myself, more to come later as I get another burst of writers energy!
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( . _.)
I went shopping Friday! (or was it Thursday) and managed to get a bunch of stuff, but not the two things i was originally looking for. So first I wanted a little dress for my "doll" look that I'm still working on, and flipping back and forth between if i want it to be a latex doll look (using the scorpion products BANE hood to achieve a blank mannequin head look) or if i want to try to re-color the hood and just take a flesh colored mannequin look.
So I went out shopping for some dresses that i could wear over black latex and still have them "pop" something bright i guess. Also I had heard that Dark Eden was giving(selling cheaply) bunny ears for Easter so i went there to see if i could find them. So around 900L later i came out of DarkEden with a set of tattoos, a full set of skirts, and a bright pink jacket (I'm not partial to hot pink myself and like more muted tons of pink, but the jacket was in a vendor that was part of a fundraising effort for the American cancer society so I splurged the few extra liden and got it in hot pink, i think of it as a 'biker' jacket, something you'd see someone in the fast and the furious wear) Anyway, besides those items (which i all give a good 4 out of 5 bunnies to, i enjoy dark edens work a lot for clothes)
i also bought the "Restrained Freedom" arm binder, which i learned about through a group announcement when i signed on Friday. The arm binder was 600$L, and I'm rather happy with my purchase. The binder seemed to be sized for small avatars, and required very little altering from me to make it fit (just moving the "belly strap" out of my belly a bit, which turned out to be several indivual parts but if you know how to edit, it should be no problem, 30 seconds of work) which is allways a big plus in my book. Also it's scripted to be RLV compatible (what isn't nowadays?) and it's not only colorable, but you can change the texture of both the arm binder itself and the straps (currenly mine is in "red Velvet" colored green to match the evening dress i often wear for my "high class bondage" look. I really should start taking more pictures of myself to post to help illustrate the looks i'm talking about.)
and for all it's features it was under 1000$L
I think this is a good 4 out of 5 bunneh review for the item. The only reason I'm being hesitant about giving a 5 out of 5 is because I haven't had a great chance to test the AO in the binder yet.
(Also a little thanks to Shard of Shards Sadistic Creations for giving me the idea for that test, while talking about the arm binder she makes and sells [which i plan to purchase soon] she mentioned how strong the AO in it was and that it could even override sinewave dances, so that is a test i plan to incorporate into my future reviews.)
So this blog has turned into mostly product reviews, and I had promised at one point to talk about my RP experiences too. So I promise the next post will be a little more recounting of those.
Also this weekend I met someone i wasn't expecting to see. There is this certain dominate girl/boy who i met a long time ago, who came up with a rather annoying nickname of "Bethy Boobs."
So when I was at the LSoK the other day and someone said /me throws a rock at bethy boobs.
my jaw hit the floor. Apparently for reasons i didn't ask they had switched avatars and now resided under a different name. We spent a little time catching up until the sim we were in crashed and when i logged back on he/she wasn't there anymore.
It's weird how relationships on the Internet fluctuate, some days you'll lose friends for no apparently reason (cait) and then other days they'll pop up out of no where under a new identity being "Hey how have you been?"
Also I found out that Marine Kelly is onto the "testing" stage for her BANE suit, quite by accident. I was reading the blog of someone who left a comment on a friends blog (is that like a friend of a friend of a friend who heard something that one time?) about how she just got out of her test banishment, then in turn went to check on marine's blog (which i hadn't read in several weeks). Oh well, no point in crying over spilt milk but it would have been a fun experience i think.
Guess i'll jsut have to wait like the rest of the public, oh woe is me.
/sarcasm off
Seriously though I truly enjoy marines products and can't wait to see her version of the BANE suit, so far i know of One currently on the market (Scorpion Products) I tested one for a person I met in SL (I'll break my own rule and check to see if I've written about this yet, if not i'll make up a small report of my quarter day as a BANE) who since I've provided a report on my experiences to her, i found out she isn't planning on selling it but just making it for her own, and she's also planing on sending me an updated version based on my suggestions and her own observations in the testing.
Then by accident i found out that the people behind Restrained Freedom are making one as well (i was contacted by a "Custodian" asking if i had seen their bane, and when i TP'ed out to see what was going on, i was met by an old friend Green Geary, who then explained the suit/charging station to me and where she had gotten the test suit from)
so with Marine's BANE suit on the market that should make at least 3 varieties.
Ok I've really got to get offline and get productive with myself, more to come later as I get another burst of writers energy!
(\ /)
( . _.)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A word about my reviews
Ok, so I think it needs to be stated, when I review an item for SL I'm doing it from my point of view.
I really enjoy being restrained, in more ways then one. And a lot of my reviews are based on how well an item can restrain me. So while some items may be very nicely made or scripted. If they can't work well to restrain me then I'm going to give it a lower score.
keep in mind the bunnies I'm handing out a bondage bunnies.
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( . _.)
I really enjoy being restrained, in more ways then one. And a lot of my reviews are based on how well an item can restrain me. So while some items may be very nicely made or scripted. If they can't work well to restrain me then I'm going to give it a lower score.
keep in mind the bunnies I'm handing out a bondage bunnies.
(\ /)
( . _.)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
VirToys Lovedoll Review
So on my little shopping spree lately I've been obsessed with dolls. Making a doll look for myself with a new dress and using the BANE helmet i had with a latex skin to create a mannequin like look, though I'm trying to figure out how to re-color the BANE helmet to flesh color, then i have some doll joint underwear layer clothes to wear.
Anyway in the process of looking up doll stuff i found this neat little "Lovedoll" outfit, from Virtoys (Black sin lovedoll AV) that's "RL Viewer compatible" (I know there is a TON of stuff is nowadays but it's little things like that, that will convince me i want something. I'm a sucker i know.) plus a "Sexbed" pussy for it as well, that was basically a complicated sex AO.
Included in the base set (just under 1000$L) was, lockable ear covers(guess they're handhold's) lockable opened mouth tunnel, lockable "Dripping Rubber Pussy" (i ended up buying the one with the AO in it for an additional 760$L) and locking expandable breasts.
One problem I had with the items is they were just lock on click by the first person who clicked them, which is fine if you get dressed by yourself or with an owner but can be a little dangerous around other people, or if you go out and forget to lock all the parts yourself.
The ears, pussy and mouth all locked easily.
The breasts were a different mater, These breasts as I understand were scripted and sculpted by another vendor and license to VirToys.While they are really neat little toys, and can expand to humongous size, drip milk, expand to push people away, and bounce, the breasts are a little problematic to lock. The security feature at one point locked both myself (the wearer) and the person who was assisting me (the key holder or owner, who was also allowed on the security list) it took me loggin out, back in on the regular viewer, detaching them, reattaching them, then loggin in on the RL viewer to get them to access properly again.
One other problem I seem to be having is the inability to reset the scripts in the sections, I'm not sure if this is an SL glitch or something built in to keep the wearer from just reseting and removing the owner, if it's the latter then that can be a little problematic if somoene just came up and took the keys(remember when i said earlier all a person needed to do was click on the items when they are unlocked) or if the scripts are malfunctioning.
I would have liked a package deal for the AV itself and the scripted sexbed pussy, and a little better scripting on the breasts to take care of the issues with security (I was told that they offten unlock when a person logs on and off but I never experienced this myself.)
Overall i can only give this little toy a rating of 2 out of 5 bunnies. Though if you're into being a sexdoll the addition of the rubber scripted pussy to you're already existing cat suit or latex skin could be a cheaper alternative.
Anyway in the process of looking up doll stuff i found this neat little "Lovedoll" outfit, from Virtoys (Black sin lovedoll AV) that's "RL Viewer compatible" (I know there is a TON of stuff is nowadays but it's little things like that, that will convince me i want something. I'm a sucker i know.) plus a "Sexbed" pussy for it as well, that was basically a complicated sex AO.
Included in the base set (just under 1000$L) was, lockable ear covers(guess they're handhold's) lockable opened mouth tunnel, lockable "Dripping Rubber Pussy" (i ended up buying the one with the AO in it for an additional 760$L) and locking expandable breasts.
One problem I had with the items is they were just lock on click by the first person who clicked them, which is fine if you get dressed by yourself or with an owner but can be a little dangerous around other people, or if you go out and forget to lock all the parts yourself.
The ears, pussy and mouth all locked easily.
The breasts were a different mater, These breasts as I understand were scripted and sculpted by another vendor and license to VirToys.While they are really neat little toys, and can expand to humongous size, drip milk, expand to push people away, and bounce, the breasts are a little problematic to lock. The security feature at one point locked both myself (the wearer) and the person who was assisting me (the key holder or owner, who was also allowed on the security list) it took me loggin out, back in on the regular viewer, detaching them, reattaching them, then loggin in on the RL viewer to get them to access properly again.
One other problem I seem to be having is the inability to reset the scripts in the sections, I'm not sure if this is an SL glitch or something built in to keep the wearer from just reseting and removing the owner, if it's the latter then that can be a little problematic if somoene just came up and took the keys(remember when i said earlier all a person needed to do was click on the items when they are unlocked) or if the scripts are malfunctioning.
I would have liked a package deal for the AV itself and the scripted sexbed pussy, and a little better scripting on the breasts to take care of the issues with security (I was told that they offten unlock when a person logs on and off but I never experienced this myself.)
Overall i can only give this little toy a rating of 2 out of 5 bunnies. Though if you're into being a sexdoll the addition of the rubber scripted pussy to you're already existing cat suit or latex skin could be a cheaper alternative.
Monday, March 17, 2008
A rare emotional post
Ok, I'm going to do something i told myself I wouldn't do. Make a emotional blog post about what's going on with my feelings. Not that I think it's wrong to express myself, i just don't feel that the right forum for this is the Internet. But since a lot of my emotional turmoil right now is from stuff happening online, this is the right spot for it at the moment.
Now i have a lot of things going on in RL right now as well that are probably adding to my emotional instability, not that I'm always stable when things are going right.
Yesterday I lost a friend in SL, she didn't die but she may as well have for all i know what is happening to her. A dear friend of mine (who may not have been as close a friend as I thought) left SL yesterday with no word to anyone. She evacuated her lot (She rented on Desperation Isle, who is owned by my family's Matriarch, who then asked me if i knew what was going on because she knew I was close to Cait.) and took down all her vendors.
Now I know she had been having a lot of work stuff going on lately and hadn't been on SL much the previous week, I had hoped when I first heard it s he was just selling off the stuff that was costing her money for little or no return. Then I looked at her profile which said "Gone for a while, maybe forever" or something close to that.
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Now I'm not so new online that I've never had to dealt with an online friend just disappearing before, it's sort of the nature of the beast on the Internet.
But I was really hurt that she didn't at least say bye. A mutual friend brought up that maybe she just wanted to avoid a big weepy goodbye, which I can understand. Though I thought that the two of us were close enough that she'd at least send off a message to let people know she's ok and not going to be around for a bit. All i would have liked was a small "Don't worry about me."
I don't know if it was a secret that I had a pretty big crush on Cait or not, but I did, still do i guess.
I was really down yesterday when i heard she was gone.
i guess the bright side is, when I'm down i usually go shopping, so yesterday ended up with me getting a new dress, some underwear (which doesn't show up on the skin i am using it for, if anyone who is reading this knows where to find a set of doll joints in a underwear layer that are more white then brown [the ones i found are brownish and look like they belong on a flesh colored doll, I'm using a black latex skin and want something that shows up on that.] then please let me know in game! ) and will probably result in more shopping today.
I miss you already Cait.
Now i have a lot of things going on in RL right now as well that are probably adding to my emotional instability, not that I'm always stable when things are going right.
Yesterday I lost a friend in SL, she didn't die but she may as well have for all i know what is happening to her. A dear friend of mine (who may not have been as close a friend as I thought) left SL yesterday with no word to anyone. She evacuated her lot (She rented on Desperation Isle, who is owned by my family's Matriarch, who then asked me if i knew what was going on because she knew I was close to Cait.) and took down all her vendors.
Now I know she had been having a lot of work stuff going on lately and hadn't been on SL much the previous week, I had hoped when I first heard it s he was just selling off the stuff that was costing her money for little or no return. Then I looked at her profile which said "Gone for a while, maybe forever" or something close to that.
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Now I'm not so new online that I've never had to dealt with an online friend just disappearing before, it's sort of the nature of the beast on the Internet.
But I was really hurt that she didn't at least say bye. A mutual friend brought up that maybe she just wanted to avoid a big weepy goodbye, which I can understand. Though I thought that the two of us were close enough that she'd at least send off a message to let people know she's ok and not going to be around for a bit. All i would have liked was a small "Don't worry about me."
I don't know if it was a secret that I had a pretty big crush on Cait or not, but I did, still do i guess.
I was really down yesterday when i heard she was gone.
i guess the bright side is, when I'm down i usually go shopping, so yesterday ended up with me getting a new dress, some underwear (which doesn't show up on the skin i am using it for, if anyone who is reading this knows where to find a set of doll joints in a underwear layer that are more white then brown [the ones i found are brownish and look like they belong on a flesh colored doll, I'm using a black latex skin and want something that shows up on that.] then please let me know in game! ) and will probably result in more shopping today.
I miss you already Cait.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Acidental bane
Ok, so this is a placeholder, in an earlier post i gave a tiny review of this BANE helmet i bought, I've since done more testing on it and want to re-do the review with explications for why i am scoring as i am.
Ok, so here are my "complaints" so far about the Scorpion Products BANE suit/helemt.
The menu is a little unwieldy, it takes a lot of work to pick through it to see what all does what.
I'd like a little better documentation on the notecard for what exactly each feature/button does. Some buttons don't give a reply back when they're clicked.
I'd like a little on screen confirmation when you turn a feature on and off, for the helmet owner at least if not for the wearer.
They have a "Mantra" feature that is a phrase that must be typed at various intervals, that seems a little glitchy. Once i logged in with timer for my mantra running down (it does give you on screen messages for that to let you know how long you have to type it) but it didn't tell me what the phrase to say was, so i was penalized with no way to stop it. Also I've had it give me a nullvalue before for a mantra, which means it didn't give me anything to say but still said i had to say something, needless to say that equaled a violation and penalty too.
So I'm taking my original review of 3 out of 5 bunnies down to 2 out of 5 bunnies.
(EDIT: So after further testing I discovered that the problems i was having with the nullvalue mantra's was because of my own mistake of editing the notecard with the sayings but not updating the mantra control in the menu. Though I'm still standing by my lower score because of how complicated of an item it is, with little documentation on it to tell an inexperienced (or even advanced) user how the item interacts with the RL viewer.)
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( . _.)
Ok, so here are my "complaints" so far about the Scorpion Products BANE suit/helemt.
The menu is a little unwieldy, it takes a lot of work to pick through it to see what all does what.
I'd like a little better documentation on the notecard for what exactly each feature/button does. Some buttons don't give a reply back when they're clicked.
I'd like a little on screen confirmation when you turn a feature on and off, for the helmet owner at least if not for the wearer.
They have a "Mantra" feature that is a phrase that must be typed at various intervals, that seems a little glitchy. Once i logged in with timer for my mantra running down (it does give you on screen messages for that to let you know how long you have to type it) but it didn't tell me what the phrase to say was, so i was penalized with no way to stop it. Also I've had it give me a nullvalue before for a mantra, which means it didn't give me anything to say but still said i had to say something, needless to say that equaled a violation and penalty too.
So I'm taking my original review of 3 out of 5 bunnies down to 2 out of 5 bunnies.
(EDIT: So after further testing I discovered that the problems i was having with the nullvalue mantra's was because of my own mistake of editing the notecard with the sayings but not updating the mantra control in the menu. Though I'm still standing by my lower score because of how complicated of an item it is, with little documentation on it to tell an inexperienced (or even advanced) user how the item interacts with the RL viewer.)
(\ /)
( . _.)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ok so my shopping habit reared it's ugly head yesterday.
So with the purchase of a BANE helmet i wanted a nice latex skin to wear with it, something shiny(the one that came with it was rather flat). So i went shopping last night.
Originally i purchased the tintable latex skin from KCreations (who is ran by a good acquittance of mine Kat Festiov[i hope i spelled your name right Kat]who was the first Latex Doll i ever met and the person who sort of inspired me to go and join them myself.[if memory serves me right she is also the other half of the duo with Caitlyn who first accused me of being a ninja])
Which is a rather nice skin, but it doesn't quite work as advertised. Kat's skin is mostly just the shiny latex texture, then by using the built in features of SL to alter the color of your skin you can tint it to the shade of latex that you want. Though because SL doesn't all ways work as advertised, i was unable to shade the skin to a true black color, the closest being a reddish/brownish black.
But in the process of trying to get it as black as i wanted i found some other nice colors for other outfits.
So all in all I'd give the Tintable Latex skin from Kcreations a 4 out of 5 bunneh rating, because it was affordable (500$L for two versions of the skin, plain and "ribbed" latex) and rather easy to adjust. If i could get the exact color i wanted out of it I'd give it a full 5/5 rating.
So after that, I went shopping again and ended up settling on a skin from the vendor who's name i can't remember right now (The vendor i was talking about is Kayliwulf Kingdom, and despite my complaints about pricing they do make some of the very best looking latex outfits.) , i ended up getting a very shiny black latex skin for just under 1000$L, which is more then I wanted to spend. Now I was much happier with the coloring and shininess of this skin, but 1000$L was a little more then I wanted to spend for basically a all black skin with a shine texture added to the top of it. Skins in SL tend to range from 1000$L to 2000$L so it was about average price for a skin, but those skins tend to be more detailed and have makeup designs.
Also it came with a pair of "Latex nipples" which is a nice touch because lets face it if i was in a full body latex catsuit my nipple would be really hard and poking at the rubber. But in order for them to be positioned right you have to use the shape provided with the skin, which made me one of those SL giants i dislike so much (6' tall i checked it with a height meter)
So all in all I only give this skin 3 out of 5 bunneh's. Because added extras require shape altering if you wish to use them, (either using their new shape or moving them to match your own shape) and because it was a little more pricey then I'd like for a latex skin(around 100-200$L decrease in price would put it around what it is worth in my opinion)
So for my BANE suit I've spent just over 2000$L for what was originally a 500$L purchase, i may just have a shopping problem.
Not that it's going to break my bank, that 2000$L is around $7.00 US currency, which just means that I won't stop for a sandwich and soup on the way home tonight and eat out of the fridge, not really a big deal but If i end up doing this type of thing two or three times a week (which I've been known to do sometimes) it can add up pretty quickly.
At least if i become a BANE i won't be able to spend myself into the poorhouse anymore!
Gotta find the bright side in everything!
(\ /)
( . _.)
So with the purchase of a BANE helmet i wanted a nice latex skin to wear with it, something shiny(the one that came with it was rather flat). So i went shopping last night.
Originally i purchased the tintable latex skin from KCreations (who is ran by a good acquittance of mine Kat Festiov[i hope i spelled your name right Kat]who was the first Latex Doll i ever met and the person who sort of inspired me to go and join them myself.[if memory serves me right she is also the other half of the duo with Caitlyn who first accused me of being a ninja])
Which is a rather nice skin, but it doesn't quite work as advertised. Kat's skin is mostly just the shiny latex texture, then by using the built in features of SL to alter the color of your skin you can tint it to the shade of latex that you want. Though because SL doesn't all ways work as advertised, i was unable to shade the skin to a true black color, the closest being a reddish/brownish black.
But in the process of trying to get it as black as i wanted i found some other nice colors for other outfits.
So all in all I'd give the Tintable Latex skin from Kcreations a 4 out of 5 bunneh rating, because it was affordable (500$L for two versions of the skin, plain and "ribbed" latex) and rather easy to adjust. If i could get the exact color i wanted out of it I'd give it a full 5/5 rating.
So after that, I went shopping again and ended up settling on a skin from the vendor who's name i can't remember right now (The vendor i was talking about is Kayliwulf Kingdom, and despite my complaints about pricing they do make some of the very best looking latex outfits.) , i ended up getting a very shiny black latex skin for just under 1000$L, which is more then I wanted to spend. Now I was much happier with the coloring and shininess of this skin, but 1000$L was a little more then I wanted to spend for basically a all black skin with a shine texture added to the top of it. Skins in SL tend to range from 1000$L to 2000$L so it was about average price for a skin, but those skins tend to be more detailed and have makeup designs.
Also it came with a pair of "Latex nipples" which is a nice touch because lets face it if i was in a full body latex catsuit my nipple would be really hard and poking at the rubber. But in order for them to be positioned right you have to use the shape provided with the skin, which made me one of those SL giants i dislike so much (6' tall i checked it with a height meter)
So all in all I only give this skin 3 out of 5 bunneh's. Because added extras require shape altering if you wish to use them, (either using their new shape or moving them to match your own shape) and because it was a little more pricey then I'd like for a latex skin(around 100-200$L decrease in price would put it around what it is worth in my opinion)
So for my BANE suit I've spent just over 2000$L for what was originally a 500$L purchase, i may just have a shopping problem.
Not that it's going to break my bank, that 2000$L is around $7.00 US currency, which just means that I won't stop for a sandwich and soup on the way home tonight and eat out of the fridge, not really a big deal but If i end up doing this type of thing two or three times a week (which I've been known to do sometimes) it can add up pretty quickly.
At least if i become a BANE i won't be able to spend myself into the poorhouse anymore!
Gotta find the bright side in everything!
(\ /)
( . _.)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Product testing by Bethany
So, as I've mentioned before I'm something of an obsessive shopper. If i see something i like i just HAVE TO get a copy for myself. Clothes, Toys, it doesn't matter if it catches my interest i want one of my own.
This isn't all ways the best thing for me to do though, sometimes it can lead to problems. Financial problems to name just one (something I've had to deal with in RL too sometimes i get the itch and spend just a tiny bit above my means, a habit I've taken into SL with me too.)
So SL is a land of trends, one of the newest trends is the BANE. I've mentioned it before, interaction with a BANE is what urged me to make this blog (i needed an account to leave a message on her blog with my well wishes, and I don't like leaving things empty) , and it's something I'm mildly interested in.
Yesterday i saw a BANE for the first time with a "produced" suit. i.e. one that wasn't pieced together from other products but was a fully functional BANE suit(well really functioning BANE helmet as the "suit" is just a black latex skin, then some blank eyes to mimic the eyes.)
So I asked her where she found it (apparently hers wasn't active yet because she was talking in public chat, explaining the suit to someone else, which is what drew my attention to her in the first place) and got a Landmark from her for the store.
The "Suit" cost 500$L which isn't to bad for a bondage toy. It's not a great price but I've seen some heavily scripted stuff much more expensive.
After getting the new toy and going to the Desperation Isle building area (if you've never been you should really check out Desperation Isle, 1. it's owned by my former Mistress, and current Matriarch of our family. 2. The scenery is really nice if you just fly around to explore) and unpacked it then began going through the menu on the helmet to see what all it can do.
The thing did come with a note card but sometimes playing with the menus is better then reading the instructions, other times it's not.
I accidentally locked myself in the helmet, apparently once it's locked only someone else can unlock it, my attempts just ended up with my HUD going crazy as the helmet reported all my behavior violations..well to myself as i was the key holder.
In short I'd give it a fair review, though the menus were a little hard to navigate and I would have liked a confirmation message when i turned features on and off so i could better keep track of what restrictions were on and off.
3 out of 5 bunnies for my final review i would guess.
The helmet was purchased from "Scorpion Products" I'm sure you can find them in the search feature if you're interested.
I think if I was going to be a "permanent BANE" or at least a long term on I'd rather wait and see what Marine is doing with her suit, i like the RR script design and I'm curious to see what she's doing with the idea.

Plus currently i have no custodian to monitor my banishment and while i do have fun locking myself up a lot of times in SL, voluntary banishment would get boring very quickly i think. The RP around the banishment is half the fun.
I did take a picture of myself in the BANE helmet and skin, I also have on a Corset from Trilo-wear(My FAVORITE corset maker, go give her bussiness!) because i liked the look a little better then just the bare skin itself.
I had to log in using the regular SL viewer thismroning in order to take the helmet and HUD for it off, in the future any product testing I do, I plan to have an "assistant" there so i don't accidently banish myself again, or something worse.
Then again knowing my friends It's just as likely that I'd end up locked in the product anyway instead of them helping me out when i lock myself up.
This isn't all ways the best thing for me to do though, sometimes it can lead to problems. Financial problems to name just one (something I've had to deal with in RL too sometimes i get the itch and spend just a tiny bit above my means, a habit I've taken into SL with me too.)
So SL is a land of trends, one of the newest trends is the BANE. I've mentioned it before, interaction with a BANE is what urged me to make this blog (i needed an account to leave a message on her blog with my well wishes, and I don't like leaving things empty) , and it's something I'm mildly interested in.
Yesterday i saw a BANE for the first time with a "produced" suit. i.e. one that wasn't pieced together from other products but was a fully functional BANE suit(well really functioning BANE helmet as the "suit" is just a black latex skin, then some blank eyes to mimic the eyes.)
So I asked her where she found it (apparently hers wasn't active yet because she was talking in public chat, explaining the suit to someone else, which is what drew my attention to her in the first place) and got a Landmark from her for the store.
The "Suit" cost 500$L which isn't to bad for a bondage toy. It's not a great price but I've seen some heavily scripted stuff much more expensive.
After getting the new toy and going to the Desperation Isle building area (if you've never been you should really check out Desperation Isle, 1. it's owned by my former Mistress, and current Matriarch of our family. 2. The scenery is really nice if you just fly around to explore) and unpacked it then began going through the menu on the helmet to see what all it can do.
The thing did come with a note card but sometimes playing with the menus is better then reading the instructions, other times it's not.
I accidentally locked myself in the helmet, apparently once it's locked only someone else can unlock it, my attempts just ended up with my HUD going crazy as the helmet reported all my behavior violations..well to myself as i was the key holder.
In short I'd give it a fair review, though the menus were a little hard to navigate and I would have liked a confirmation message when i turned features on and off so i could better keep track of what restrictions were on and off.
3 out of 5 bunnies for my final review i would guess.
The helmet was purchased from "Scorpion Products" I'm sure you can find them in the search feature if you're interested.
I think if I was going to be a "permanent BANE" or at least a long term on I'd rather wait and see what Marine is doing with her suit, i like the RR script design and I'm curious to see what she's doing with the idea.
Plus currently i have no custodian to monitor my banishment and while i do have fun locking myself up a lot of times in SL, voluntary banishment would get boring very quickly i think. The RP around the banishment is half the fun.
I did take a picture of myself in the BANE helmet and skin, I also have on a Corset from Trilo-wear(My FAVORITE corset maker, go give her bussiness!) because i liked the look a little better then just the bare skin itself.
I had to log in using the regular SL viewer thismroning in order to take the helmet and HUD for it off, in the future any product testing I do, I plan to have an "assistant" there so i don't accidently banish myself again, or something worse.
Then again knowing my friends It's just as likely that I'd end up locked in the product anyway instead of them helping me out when i lock myself up.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
So it's been almost a week since the last post, I'll try to not make it so long in between each but i can't make any promises. I spent a large portion of the week gagged. Harshly, due mostly to my own mistake. At one point I had the autolock feature on my gag set to go off with the rest of my cuffs, then later decided to change that. So i had to reset the scripts in the gag to turn the autolock off. because after it's running that is about the only way to stop it besides just waiting it out. So when I reset the gag it reset all the features too, which means when a friend did grab my keys and lock the gag i was fully restricted.
no emotes longer then 15 letters or I'd be labeled as a "cheater" no IM's to anyone even the keyholder and a hidden timer so i didn't know how long it was going to last.
When i finally got the gag off (i think it was unlocked for a while without me noticing, i never saw the message saying it was unlocked but i had the keys at one point so i must have missed it somewhere.) it was 20 hours locked (which is time spent online not real time) when i noticed and unlocked it fully.
Though i did cheat at one point and used an attachment to keep me active all night and not be disconnected in the hopes it would unlock while i was sleeping.
I don't mind being gagged for that long, i find it fun to try to emote what I'm saying without talking it out loud. Having to come up with different actions to express myself but i couldn't stand not being able to say anything more then
/me nods
/me squeaks
/me eeps
/me shakes head
Also this week i got my new guns that were sized for realistic avatars, plus a latex catsuit in camouflage to match. I was invited to a group called the "Fetish Ronin's" and put together an outfit for that(seen above)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
It's a giants world
It's a giants world in SL.
I'm not sure the average avatar size but i'm sure it's somewhere over 6' with most males topping in at a good 7'. This means most things are sized for these types of avatars. My own avatar is sized at my real life height of 5'2". Alot of times i've got to size stuff extra small to fit me.
So this weekend I bought some guns! A nice pair for 2000$L tons of neat scripty bullets and stuff, i've got a whole tomb raider look going on in one outfit. They're rather large on me though, if I leave the silencer attached in the holsters they're as long as my legs. WIthout the silencer though they kind of work, because Laura croft had huge guns.
But they still look a little odd. So a friend pointed out this gunshop that made guns to RL scale not the SL giant scale that everyone else seems to use.(which she pointed out she told me yesterday, but sometimes you've got to beat points over my head or take and show me someplace.)
So now I want the small ones too, but they're another 2000$L Plus they're black and not silver like i wanted and they holsters have spots for two extra clips...maybe i won't get them after all.
It's not like I plan to go shooting things they're totally a fashion thing but I'm picky and like to have multiples of stuff to choose from.
My SL shopping list is getting bigger then my budget.
New Skin
This neat neck corset i saw
tiny guns
new pants outfits
more shoes
and anything else i can add as i see it.
I'm not sure the average avatar size but i'm sure it's somewhere over 6' with most males topping in at a good 7'. This means most things are sized for these types of avatars. My own avatar is sized at my real life height of 5'2". Alot of times i've got to size stuff extra small to fit me.
So this weekend I bought some guns! A nice pair for 2000$L tons of neat scripty bullets and stuff, i've got a whole tomb raider look going on in one outfit. They're rather large on me though, if I leave the silencer attached in the holsters they're as long as my legs. WIthout the silencer though they kind of work, because Laura croft had huge guns.
But they still look a little odd. So a friend pointed out this gunshop that made guns to RL scale not the SL giant scale that everyone else seems to use.(which she pointed out she told me yesterday, but sometimes you've got to beat points over my head or take and show me someplace.)
So now I want the small ones too, but they're another 2000$L Plus they're black and not silver like i wanted and they holsters have spots for two extra clips...maybe i won't get them after all.
It's not like I plan to go shooting things they're totally a fashion thing but I'm picky and like to have multiples of stuff to choose from.
My SL shopping list is getting bigger then my budget.
New Skin
This neat neck corset i saw
tiny guns
new pants outfits
more shoes
and anything else i can add as i see it.
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