Friday, March 14, 2008

Acidental bane

Ok, so this is a placeholder, in an earlier post i gave a tiny review of this BANE helmet i bought, I've since done more testing on it and want to re-do the review with explications for why i am scoring as i am.
Ok, so here are my "complaints" so far about the Scorpion Products BANE suit/helemt.
The menu is a little unwieldy, it takes a lot of work to pick through it to see what all does what.
I'd like a little better documentation on the notecard for what exactly each feature/button does. Some buttons don't give a reply back when they're clicked.
I'd like a little on screen confirmation when you turn a feature on and off, for the helmet owner at least if not for the wearer.
They have a "Mantra" feature that is a phrase that must be typed at various intervals, that seems a little glitchy. Once i logged in with timer for my mantra running down (it does give you on screen messages for that to let you know how long you have to type it) but it didn't tell me what the phrase to say was, so i was penalized with no way to stop it. Also I've had it give me a nullvalue before for a mantra, which means it didn't give me anything to say but still said i had to say something, needless to say that equaled a violation and penalty too.

So I'm taking my original review of 3 out of 5 bunnies down to 2 out of 5 bunnies.
(EDIT: So after further testing I discovered that the problems i was having with the nullvalue mantra's was because of my own mistake of editing the notecard with the sayings but not updating the mantra control in the menu. Though I'm still standing by my lower score because of how complicated of an item it is, with little documentation on it to tell an inexperienced (or even advanced) user how the item interacts with the RL viewer.)
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( . _.)


Danii said...

Did you investigate what happens after it is unlocked too? The restrictions it puts are never released, it seems to me.

Bethany Bao said...

I may have jumped the gun a bit on my new review, after some more in depth testing tonight a lot of the problems i had were self created by not updating the mantra notecard.

I'm still standing by my new score of 2/5 though just because of the lack of documentation, it can be a real dangerous item to someone not that familiar with the RL viewer.