Tuesday, May 6, 2008

more updates

Weekly update today.
So I've been debating something lately...Should i put the address for this blog on my profile in Sl.
on the one hand i like having people leave comments. On the other hand i'm not sure I want that many people reading this.
As it is now i know i have a few readers, and i often wonder how they find this place. Some i know i told the website to, others i think find it because i leave comments on another blog.
but if i put it on my profile then it opens up a whole new method of finding these writings and maybe leaving comments or whatever.

Now this is all based on the assumption that people read profiles, I personally devour profiles i enjoy reading everything someone was willing to put up and i often check every tab on a profile to see if they put something in it or not. It has been my experience that not everyone in SL is as thorough with profiles as I am.
So i say there is a 50% chance that if i did put it up on my profile i'd get new readers out of it.

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