Tuesday, May 20, 2008

some RP stuff, plus others

So after 70 hours of banishment i figured out something. I don't need an AO because i can still use gestures. which i discovered on accident the /cry gesture was active which was only an animation. which means i could use it but not get a violation. Also if you open up the gesture window (ctrl+G for those future banes who may read this) you can create new gestures from there.
in addition to the default animations included in the SL library it also let me pick out any animations that were in my animations folder for me to use to make gestures.

I now have the ability to.
sit (for 25 seconds, setting it longer got boring)
blow a kiss.
tell someone to kiss my ass
do a backflip
i call it a ghetto AO.
also i'm nearing my original sentence time. only added time left now.
maybe i'll pester my operator some and see if i can goad her into adding time.

So i'm not sure still what i want to do RP wise with the whole bane existence. One of the joys of being a bane is supposed to be finding your eduamon, but if i do that then i'd never want out of the suit, which could get boring quick.
As i mentioned earlier when I dom i tend to do stuff i'd want done to me, which is why i don't think i want to be come an operator after i get out, i think i'd be more sadistic then most people wanted because as odd as it sounds i enjoy it when people are mean to me.
Though the thought had crossed my mind of maybe going "good" for a little, becoming an operator and maybe even joining the SLBI (or at least becoming an informant) for a little while, of course with the plan of "going evil" again at some point from the inside. i could be a "crooked cop"
The thought had crossed my mind of going crazy for a bit after getting out of the suit, i wonder if Paine Asylum is accepting patients yet. I might just not put any story to it and hold off for a while till i get a better idea.
at some point maybe i'll finish my "story" posts of being a bane. I had a few plans that didn't work out.
getting to emote my frustration at learning i couldn't feel.
i altered my shape to add some fat, i wanted to gradually take it off again to simulate the "bane diet plan"
some other stuff i'm sure i am forgetting too.
I should be out by Sunday for sure as long as i don't violate to much before then.

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